Sunday, February 27, 2011

Taking the Plunge

Rebecca's Open Mic Poetry Night

I read "Sex Toy" (NSFW) and the following two:

Midnight Again

Night-time lover,
Dream catcher and whimsical muse-
Ever out of reach but always watching.
Cloud littered darkness,
Briefly illuminated by your glory,
Shades my vision of your peeking glances.

Night-time lover,
Beautiful friend and gentle guardian.
Your face is reflected in my thoughts,
Well lit by the sun's fire.
I try to capture your illusive majesty
But am staggered by your illustrious history.

Night-time lover,
Monthly flirt and crafty shape-shifter.
Sometimes invisible to my searching eye,
Your presence is still felt.
Come lay with me, my pen the craft
With which to float on to creation.

Night-time lover,
Heart-stealer and life witness.
From ignorant awe of youth to today's tears,
You are my constant.
Every morning is a bitter-sweet farewell
When the horizon lifts it's gossamer veil.



Body for sale - a real fixer-upper.
All original parts included.
Two of everything there should be two of.
No guarantees or warranty available.
The mind is slightly warped,
But with some use, could be like new.
The eyes are almost completely useless
And the ears only hear what they want to.
The mouth runs, often without guidance-
No fuel required.
The hearts been broken and hastily repaired;
It might need replacement.
Let's not mention the exhaust.
Inside though,
The spirit is brand new
And just needs the right owner
To really make it all shine.
Cash only. No Refunds.
Inquire within.